Thursday, February 27, 2014

#44 "The Bad Beginning" by Lemony Snicket

I read these books for years. I got them every birthday and Christmas from my Grandma once I hit that age where she no longer knew what to get me. But I never made it to the end of the series.

A few summers ago I read the first two and a half books with a kid I was baby sitting and realized I did actually still care who Beatrice is and how the Baudelairs finally escape Count Olaf. Childish as it may be, I'm going to read them all the way to The End.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

#43 "Lean In" by Sheryl Sandberg

There were passages in the introduction where I thought I was going to hate this woman. She was using having a leadership position in your chosen career as the ultimate definition of success. And consistently she told the reader what they "should" do and feel, unequivocally. But somewhere around the middle of chapter 2 I found myself thinking "Oh. Yes! This is why I do that."

Sandberg's book is enjoyable and easy to read, full of facts about the female (and human) feeling of inadequacy, and a necessary read for any woman who has ever debated between having a "woman's" family life or a "man's" career.

Monday, February 24, 2014

#42 "Mestengo" by Melinda Roth

Okay, it's a horse biography. Having some experience with horses and being from a Mustang state, watching this woman's misconceptions about horse psychology was entertaining.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

#41 "If You Ask Me" by Betty White

As much as I love Betty White, this book was a bit of a let down. I only made it through because it was an audio book, and under 3 hrs at that. I suppose the lack of... va-va-voom was a result of this being her sixth book. But I don't think I'll be reading, or listening, to the others to find out.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

#40 "Micro" by Michael Crichton

From beginning to end this book in both plot and prose reeks of Crichton imitation, not Crichton himself. This is no doubt because Micro was unfinished when Crichton died and was finished and edited by another author. It definitely hurt the quality of the book.

Oh what I would give to be able to read Jurassic Park for the first time again.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

#39 "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" by Douglas Adams

Okay, this one was better. Not as good as Hitchhiker's but a much more logical plot that didn't involve much if any time travel. Finding out the big question can wait a little for now though, I've got some Michael Crichton books to read.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#38 "The DaVinci Code" by Dan Brown

I think I've seen this movie. But I know I was supposed to read the book. With big text, a rapid fire plot and easy puzzles to entertain the reader it was certainly the perfect thing to pick up on Super Bowl Sunday (a.k.a. I live in German so kick-off was at 1 am and I slept for 2 hours, I had to do something to keep myself awake).

The book was good, better than I remember the part of the movie that I saw being. But even then it was definitely a mystery/thriller, which I generally find entertaining but are not my daily cup of tea.